Tuesday 27 November 2012

KRISTEEN NOLAND New Solo Album Set for March 2013

For those of your who were still in doubts, it has now been confirmed by reliable sources that KRISTEEN NOLAND new album would be released in March 2013. Read More
Kristeen Noland  (born 27 March 1974) is a Keyboard player, composer and member of No Keen Enterprise Band.  She discovered the piano at 9 years old and the world of classical music at first, allowing her with a Russian learning method until her master degree.  Then, she embarked on the composition and released her first demo (From the Beginning). The field of cinema also offered her an opportunity to discover another way of composing. The track Darkside (From The Beginning) is the first track that turns into this universe. Read More .

Tuesday 23 October 2012


BREAKING NEWS AS AT 10/20/2012 regarding Edward's earlier project, The Cohasset Snuff Film:

EDWARD PAYSON’S SUNDAY NIGHT SLAUGHTERS is a look into the dark mind of Writer/Director Edward Payson. As a part of The SorryBro Network, EDWARD PAYSON’S SUNDAY NIGHT SLAUGHTERS promises to deliver uncut, raw, original horror the way it should be every Sunday. Payson is teaming with friend and successful web content creator Antonino Buzzone – and also with Angel Corbin and Maria Olsen of Monsterworks66 – and Seth Metoyer of MoreHorror.com to create a series that will span 12 episodes. The episodes will first air on Youtube as a part of the partner program and will then be released on DVD boxed sets.  Yes, you read that correctly:  the webseries will not vanish into obscurity like, unfortunately, so many do, but will be available to everyone forever as a beautiful boxed DVD set!

Here's the link to get more info about the project:


Thursday 30 August 2012

Another 2012 Must Watch Movie By Dominique Adams

The movie

Contact Info

Monday 27 August 2012

Edward Payson's Sunday Night Slaughters

Edward Payson's Sunday Night Slaughters

"Horror director Edward Payson brings an edgy new horror webseries dealing with Cannibalism, Werewolves, Demons and Christians…"

Sunday 29 July 2012

Transformational Media Summit


As in the greatest stories that have endured through the ages such as Greek mythology, transformational media explores the deep questions concerning our nature and the nature of the world we live in.
Transformational Media may be focused on inner qualities, inspiring stories, or on practical solutions. It is transformational in the sense that its goal is to transform conflict into peace, to unite rather than divide, and transform environmental destruction into living in harmony with the natural world.

Learn More about  Transformational Media

Monday 25 June 2012

Below Zero Movie

Facing writer’s block and a crucial deadline, screenwriter Jack “The Hack” (Furlong) decides to remove himself from all distractions by locking himself in the freezer of an abandoned slaughterhouse.
BELOW ZERO takes viewers in and out of Jack’s screenplay and his psyche, where fiction and reality blur. Inspired by true events, method writer Signe Olynyk’s BELOW ZERO is a beautifully-shot and perfectly-cast feature that is a cool story within a story, within a real-life story.


Sunday 10 June 2012

The Murky Project by Gilbert Mbeh

The Murky Project by Gilbert Mbeh

LOGLINE: On a life changing assignment worth millions of dollars, Lennox and Ethan are betrayed in a country at the brink of war and now subjet to an investigation full of secrets, governed by fraud masterminds, evil and innocence.

After seven years of a fruitless career in the Middle East, Dannie Lennox now finds himself in an airline heading to Africa. On board with Lennox is Howard, a friend he met while he was in vacation in Dubai and, Hale whom Howard present to be his best friend and business partner specialized in global logistics.

Hired by an underground Russian businessman code-named (The supplier), Lennox is on a life changing assignment to haul-out USD 22 000 000.00 worth of gold bars and diamonds from Central African, destination; Asia. On arrival, their first recruit is Ethan Neville, a guy with whom Lennox had worked when he was in the Middle East. Ethan is highly indebted, and his family is about to be evicted from their home by a local bank for unpaid loan. Hired as the transporter, Ethan is given the wrong information about the real nature of the deal. Lennox meets with the local contact in a nearby hotel. The extraction is due to take place in less than 72 hours in a farm of peanuts where the package has been buried for more than two years.

Extraction cover: the buying of peanuts by Lennox for exportation to Asia. Lennox, Howard and Hale heads to the farm first to supervise the peanut harvest. Ethan finally joins them with a truck. While Lennox led crew now heads for the seaport, one of the villagers that participated in the peanuts harvest rushes to a neighboring market with a gold bar he robbed. Without any knowledge of what he has robbed, the villager is arrested by the police while attempting to sell the gold bar. A two years old cold-case is resurrected. A dozen of corrupt and, influential local government officials now feel threatened by what might become the revelation of the cold case and, they’d do whatever it takes to stay in the shadow. While being checked at a police checkpoint, Ethan hears over the radio he is wanted. With a hint of what he has been ignorantly involved in, Ethan hauls the truck into a roadside forest mile after the breath-taking police control. While chasing Ethan, Howard blames Lennox of compromising the mission by hiring someone so unreliable like Ethan. Finally, they find the truck intact without Ethan. Howard receives a phone call from the US secret service during which he is informed that Lennox and Ethan are wanted. It is a situation that might compromise Howard secret mission. While Lennox seeks Ethan in the depth of the forest, Howard and Hale retrieve the package from the truck and successfully escape from the scene. Lennox finally finds Ethan, after a brief fight, he tells Ethan the reason while he couldn’t tell him the truth. Back at the truck, Lennox and Ethan realizes Howard and Hale have escaped with the package.

Now on the Run with Ethan, Lennox realizes Howard and Hale had set them up to escape with the package. In the meantime, the local police authorities under direct presidential order are screening every hide out and exit with determination to arrest Ethan and Lennox alive. Being the only way to know the government officials involved in the stealing of the gold bars and diamonds that occurred two years ago. Meanwhile, the implicated government officials through ingenuity now invest as much as they can to have Ethan and Lennox killed as soon as possible. A. Raymond, A regional chief of police determined to know the truth at his own peril is drawn into an investigation full of secrets, intricate network of personas governed by fraud masterminds, evil and innocence. The country could be at the brink of war if the investigation moves any closer to them. Howard now stands the chance to identify and possibly arrest the man code named (The Supplier) working for an unknown Indian gold dealer wanted by the US government, and presumed to be involved and heading an illegal armed trafficking network and in business with some unidentified high ranked US government officials.

In a country at the brink of war, Lennox and Ethan life’s now depends on how soon Howard mission succeeds, and Howard willingness to help them. Weeks later, Howard identifies the real name of -the supplier- and his entire contacts list is revealed to the US government. One of the links takes Howard and Hale to the identification of the underground Indian dude and his contacts in the US government are revealed to the FBI. Back in Africa, Howard secretly helps A. Raymond with enough evidences which smoothly lead him to the identification of the untouchable’s government officials. But with the active support of the president, few are arrested while others successfully mange to escape from the country.

Howard and Hale finally smuggles Lennox and Ethan out of the country, offering to them a well paid job in Uruguay. Global headlines are made.

Gilbert Mbeh © 2012

Saturday 12 May 2012

The Warning Speech

A short film that's to be shot in verious international locations, how does it sound?
Synopses By

Gilbert Mbeh

Haytham is at the brink of making a speech that would send shockwaves in all corridors of soceities

Wednesday 2 May 2012

John Hopper - Screenplay



Conference room. A group of men in suits seats around the long table.


Open files in front of each of the men. All eyes focus on the large 32-inch Plasma TV suspended at the end of the table. There is a man standing next to the screen with a remote control, his name Gilbert.

He presses it.

John Hopper photo fills the screen.

His name’s John Hopper, what you see here
is his most recent photo. He has been our
worse nightmare for the last eight months.
People go to him for advice or favors;
he likes to fufil the needs of those who
simply ask for help--- unlike people
like us, swollen with pride.

What do we know about him?

Well, at age nineteen, he constructed
his very own satellite, sent it to
space, and now he can access the
internet where-ever he is and how he
please, cost free. A small majority
of his friends are from foreign countries.
He is also the proud owner of a three-year
old schnauzer. After high school, he spent
most of his time designing web pages,
writing peotry, and composing music.

How do we find him?

As far as we know, he is an
adventurer of sorts, people watch him
come and go like a swift summer breeze.
He felt in love with the clouds, but it's
never everlasting. Listen Chairman;
Hopper is the kind of guy you go to
war with, and definitely not the guy
you wanna go to war against. 

What do you mean Gilbert?

What I mean? We’ve got to bring him

You mean join him!?

Unfortunately we can’t beat him sir.
So far, he has been the architect
of all what has kept all of us
in this room puzzled for the last
eight months. He is a guy who
understands that change would
not occur, without the acceptance
of all qualities, beleifs, and
aspects that the change will bring.

(With a stern voice)
What else can we do?


The entire board recapitulates over the whole discussion, then.

How do you find him?

Gilbert smiles at the meeting chair, as he does.

 www.youtube.com/johnhopperwanderer fills the screen and we are...


Thursday 26 April 2012

Following The Nerd

Following The Nerd

Richard "RB" Botto 
When he's not enjoying a pint at his favorite local pub, Marc Savage runs a terrific site out of Ireland called Following The Nerd. He also hosts an equally brilliant podcast. Marc was gracious enough to have me as a guest on the show, and we discussed all things 32 including welcoming our 50,000th member to what the future has in store. My thanks goes out to him for his time and his generosity of spirit.
Special thanks also to my friend, Scott Myers. Scott runs Go Into The Story, simply the most comprehensive screenwriting blog on the web. With no less than six updates a day, nobody brings the effort like Scott. From tips to honing your craft, to breaking down screenplays, to what's selling, the information Scott doles out on GITS is second to none. I have been a reader and a fan for years. I cannot recommend the site highly enough. Go... bookmark... go again...

Scott was kind enough to cover our 50,000th member milestone... I'm deeply appreciative.
Click here to listen to the Following The Nerd podcast (Fast forward to 60:20 for the start of the Stage 32 segment): FTN weekly Podcast Episode 18
Read Scott's coverage of Stage 32 on Go Into The Story here: Go Into The Story: Congratulations, Stage 32!
Please feel free to leave remarks in both the Following The Nerd and Go Into The Story comments section.
As always, if you have any questions or remarks for me, please post them below.

Thanks again to Marc and Scott.


Wednesday 25 April 2012

International Film Project

Project Filmbox- International Filmproject


Project Filmbox is a film project in which we will send several GoPro Hero HD 2 cameras around the world to everybody with a good idea on the film´s topic, giving everyone the opportunity to contribute by shooting their short film clip with their individual story. The film is going to be about the newly developed sense of unity among young people around the world. By sending cameras around the world we are asking each and every one for their inspiring and moving stories. The best clips are going to be edited together to a full length film that is most certainly going to touch a lot of people around the world.

Check the website for further Details. http://www.projectfilmbox.com

Stoned By Ritchie Johnston

Ritchie Johnston, is the writer of a little show called Stoned, It's his first project but he has also written and starred in the webisodes attached to the project!

It is his first full project as a writer, but he is working on a small movie script called "God & the Guys Vs. The Apocalypse" and a couple of other untitled projects!

He is looking for interest in the Stoned project from other writers, actors, directors and producers as I would like it to be his flagship piece check out his page and see what you think!

Thursday 19 April 2012

Welcome to my Blog. I am Gilbert Mbeh, your favorite screenwriter and Film Director, and I am here to save the industry. Well, don’t fret yet or before you start criticizing, I didn’t mean to say the industry would be going out of business without me. Unfortunately people like you and I could go out of business and eventually out of the industry without each other. That’s why I wrote this blog and I suppose that’s why you’re here.

So before we go any further, let's starts from the beginning.

                      BROUGHT BACK TO LIFE 


                          GILBERT MBEH 



It is dark; nothing is clear enough for us to see. A chap in his 20s sits on a dining table, we’d call him Gilbert. Gilbert busily writes on a piece of paper brightened by a single candle light.  


A big office. At the attic of a building. Stylishly decorated, expensive everything, framed pictures of memorable awards giving ceremonies. 

John sits behind his desk of power. The most expensive wooden desk you’d find in the world market. It’s a sleepless night, and everything’s burning behind his eyes. 


John paces around the room then suddenly stops. John gazes at the window, hesitant. A threatening silence fills the room.
Resolved, John walks to the window.

Down in the yard below is a crowd of unhappy men and women. Actors, actresses, producers, Directors, costume designers, Sound editors, Camera men and fans.   
The crowd looks up at John. 

John is moved by the determination on their faces.

John walks back to his desk.


The last flame of the candle is beginning to fade away. There is a hint of smile on Gilbert's face as he writes. A trace of relief gradually builds on Gilbert face when…

The candle light fades away and we are in dark.

The darkness is tyrannical; we hear the sound of a wall clock ticking in the dark like a time boom.


John and his assistant hastily walk up the stairway.


John and his Assistant emerge from an emergency exit door and heads toward the center of the rooftop where a chopper wait.


We are still in darkness the clock still ticking. 


We now hear the sound of a chopper approaching in the distance when suddenly… 


Indistinct voices, military men voices yelling out orders.

GO! GO! The noise is ear-busting, and we are still in dark. 

Whatever might be going on outside, it’s apocalyptic. 

A sudden silence cut down…


In the oppressive darkness, we hear footsteps approaching. The footsteps suddenly reach for a stop. The silence is dreadful.
We can distinct Gilbert’s heart beats from the ticking clock if we listen kindly. 

Just when we think we heard it…

Someone SLAMS the door in. Three men silhouettes appear from the penetrating moonlight. 

We are here for you, Mr. Gilbert.

But there is no reply at the other end… 

within moment of a brief silence…

Even though I sit in the shadow of darkness,
I shall not be afraid. The Lord is my refuge and my fortress, and in him I trust. A thousand might fall at my side, and ten thousands at my right hand; but it shall not come near me. 
                                    What do you want from me?

The scripts Mr. Gilbert. Do you have them?

Greater shall be you that respect my credits.

We do not have much time left Mr. Gilbert; if we lost the building we lost everything.

                                   I’m ready.


30 people jamming on a set stage. Actors and actresses waiting. The cameramen are ready. The Director surveys the scene.


                                                                       THE END

Gilbert Mbeh
Writer / Director

- Feature Movies Screenplays.

- Short Movies Screenplays.
- Commercial Screenplays. 

- Screenplays Editing.

- Film Directing .

Thank you for checking, hope you enjoyed it. comeback soon for new updates. 

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